Tuesday, August 4, 2009


So I found these great Converses for $19.99 on sale at UrbanOutfitters.com. The high tops were $29.99 so you know I snatched up those too! The high top version is lime with purple and orange. I try to buy as little as possible from Urban because of the saturation of their products in the general public, but I always end up with something great from them! The website and store has some really great deals, so always check the sale section of the website! They also have online only products that are great!

I like to call my style International Crackhead because i'm constantly trying to layer as many patterns, colors, and textures as possible. If I had a dime for every time someone thought I was really homeless (or when a homeless person complements my outfit) I'd be rich as fuck! hahaha. Lately though i've been trying to keep my clothes as basic as I can and then accessorize with sunglasses, shoes, and a bag that has crazy colors and patterns. The pic below sums up what I used to dress like whenever I could...I don't regret it or feel shame because at the time that is what I felt like, but I've learned from my past and my style is changing so i'm incorporating my old look with my new look!

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